Friday, April 11, 2014

Color-blind Show: 1 2 3 4

The skin is the one body part that includes so many different aspects.  It's biology is complex. The skin's color is genetic, responds to lifestyle choices, adapts to climate changes and has a dark history of social discrimination.  The color of people is a rainbow of beige.  There isn't a true white or a true black, it involves pink toned beiges, yellow beiges and even grey beiges.

The biology of skin color involves a balance of getting the nutrition it needs.  Anthropologists have found that the area of the most intense UV rays are in northern to central Africa.  They have also discovered that area's climate was previously extremely fertile and allowed shade on natives.  The ancestors of northern and central Africa were in fact "white" or had much lighter beige skin.  As the climate changed, their melanin adapted and genetically transferred to their children in order to serve as a barrier to the intense UV rays.  Although now that we have reached an age of modern traveling means, skin doesn't have a chance to adapt to different climates, therefore darker skin in normal UV ray areas suffer from Vitamin D deficiency and much paler skin suffer from sun overexposure leading to skin cancer and burns.

These few pieces are deconstructions of portraits of various skin tones.  The lack of knowing exactly what the person in each one looks like, what they are wearing and what portions each of their features are allows the viewer to really engage in the color.  To lighten the mood, you'll see a smiley face staring back at you if you look closely in the center.  The color of skin can be uncomfortable depending on what background the viewer comes from.  As the artist, I am not interested in advocating any anti-discriminatory campaigns with these images.  I believe the word racism takes on an element of hate and I think we are beyond that motivation. Although, there are some who still struggle with generalizing a population of people based on what color they are and I hope to enlightened them visually with this collection.  The first one titled 1 2 3 4 is my favorite because you can really see each skin tone in unison.  It reminds me of what a sea would look like if it were made of nothing but people.

Friday, April 4, 2014

smiley face one and two


What's more interesting than to be an artist that teaches rather than advocates? I'd like to show you how I got from one to two to three in a way I cannot explain with words, although words aren't void of insight. The poetry of my work is the road I live on with my muse. It takes me to a never ending destination. I'm always exploring and I rarely rest on a solution. None of these pieces are my best or favorite. They are pit stops to a never ending journey of exploration. My mind and intuition about whom I live with continues to a new place with little rest. The things I show give you a one percent look into the unfolding aspect of my sub conscience. 

I chose many layers for intense depth. It enlightens chaos with a surprising formalistic discovery. The colors give meaning to human color, nature's colors and a deeper understanding of the color beige. The largest human body part is put under a microscope and compared to others. Geometric shapes aligned intentionally exude a shapely form. Hidden messages code humor. The title of the show gives a word-play element. The value of skin color brings about some uncomfortable emotions due to the geography we are located. And finally, the use of picking a certain look and expanding on it in front of the viewers eyes makes the artist vulnerable but issues the viewer a back stage pass.

Anthropologist viewpoint on skin: TBD